The social science world awoke to sad news this morning: Elinor
Ostrom, the Indiana University political scientist who won the Nobel
Prize in Economics in 2009, lost her battle with cancer this morning at a
hospital in Bloomington, Indiana.
Ostrom’s research focused on common-pool resources, like fish stocks, timber, or water. CPRs are similar to public goods except that use by one individual actively depletes the supply available to everyone else, and so managing them is a delicate task of balancing access and supply. Ostrom examined the ways communities organize to solve this problem, often through agreements of common ownership or local-level regulation. Her work represented an important middle ground in public policy debates between advocates of global governance statutes to regulate natural resources, and advocates of market-based environmental policy.
Indeed, Ostrom had a piece published today – written in the last stages of her illness – arguing for such a middle ground, of an overlapping network of locally-grounded and international agreements, as a desirable outcome from the Rio +20 conference that begins next week. “Time is the natural resource in shortest supply,” she writes. It is a maxim she lived by, producing research of the highest quality until the very end. She will be missed.
Ostrom’s research focused on common-pool resources, like fish stocks, timber, or water. CPRs are similar to public goods except that use by one individual actively depletes the supply available to everyone else, and so managing them is a delicate task of balancing access and supply. Ostrom examined the ways communities organize to solve this problem, often through agreements of common ownership or local-level regulation. Her work represented an important middle ground in public policy debates between advocates of global governance statutes to regulate natural resources, and advocates of market-based environmental policy.
Indeed, Ostrom had a piece published today – written in the last stages of her illness – arguing for such a middle ground, of an overlapping network of locally-grounded and international agreements, as a desirable outcome from the Rio +20 conference that begins next week. “Time is the natural resource in shortest supply,” she writes. It is a maxim she lived by, producing research of the highest quality until the very end. She will be missed.
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